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Frequently Asked Questions
for Schools


How do we know which dentist office to refer students to?

School leads will have discretion to offer which office they feel is the best fit, but parents or guardians will have the final choice of which office they go to. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for families to get their kids to their appointment.  


Will there be an unlimited number of appointments?

Dentists will identify the scope of service and number of patients they will see. That information will be provided to Hometown Smiles and school leaders.  


Will the Hometown Smiles initiative provide transportation and translation services?   

Unless otherwise indicated, parents will be responsible for transportation and translation. If a parent indicates they need assistance, Hometown Smiles will work with school leaders to help facilitate getting those services. The goal is to get care to every child. Hometown Smiles staff are committed to helping you in whatever way they can to get that done.


Will dentists provide orthodontics or any other specialty care?

At this point, specialty care is not included. However, for children with emergent or severe needs, Hometown Smiles staff will try to secure any necessary care.

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