General Info for Dentists
Participating Dentists
Frequently Asked Questions for Dentists
Will I need to take referrals on as regular patients?
No. Students referred to your office will continue to receive preventive services and exams through Bridging Brighter Smiles and the Verona Smiles initiative. If the student needs future care, they will be referred to whatever office is associated with their school.
Does my office need to get BadgerCare certified?
No. If you choose to see Verona students in your office, you can do it in one of three ways:
Volunteer care.
Subcontract via Verona Smiles.
Get BadgerCare certified and bill the State of Wisconsin directly.
Each office will choose how they want to provide care.
In addition, dentists will be asked to report care provided via Verona Smiles so outcomes can be tracked and reported. Verona Smiles also intends to bill the BadgerCare program for services provided by Verona Smiles dentists. These revenues will support staffing and care coordination. As such, participating dentists who don’t plan on billing the BadgerCare program directly will be asked to get certified under the umbrella of Verona Smiles. Your office will not be identified as a Medicaid provider. However, if a dentist prefers not to provide their NPI and be certified, they are welcome to do unreported volunteer care.
If I decide to get BadgerCare certification through Verona Smiles, will I be required to see Medicaid patients?
No. Any participation or certification is specific to the Verona Smiles initiative.
Will we provide orthodontics or any other specialty care?
At this point, specialty care is not included. However, for children with emergent or severe needs, Verona Smiles will try to secure any necessary care.
Frequently Asked Questions
for Dentists
Will I need to take referrals on as regular patients?
No. Students referred to your office will continue to receive preventive services and exams through their existing school-based program. If the student needs future care, they will be referred to whatever office is associated with their school.
How will care be tracked?
Dentists will be asked to report care provided via Hometown Smiles so outcomes can be tracked and reported. This information will be shared with participating dentists, school leadership and the dental community to show the impacts of the initiative.
How will Hometown Smiles be supported financially? Is it sustainable?
Hometown Smiles will bill the BadgerCare program for exams and services provided by Hometown Smiles dentists. These revenues will support staffing and care coordination. As such, participating dentists who don’t plan on billing the BadgerCare program directly will be asked to get certified under the umbrella of More Smiles Wisconsin.
Does a dentist have to get BadgerCare certified and report all care?
If a dentist prefers not to provide their NPI and have their work support Hometown Smiles, they are welcome to do volunteer care. We still ask that care is reported to Hometown Smiles staff so outcomes can be shared with all our partners and supporters.
If I decide to get BadgerCare certification through Hometown Smiles, will I be required to see Medicaid patients?
No. Any participation or certification is specific to the Hometown Smiles initiative.
Will we provide orthodontics or any other specialty care?
At this point, specialty care is not included. However, for children with emergent or severe needs, Hometown Smiles will try to secure any necessary care.